當代中文 (A Course in Contemporary Chinese) Guerilla Study Guide

From 當代中文 Study Guide

Welcome! This site contains review material for the 當代中文 (A Course in Contemporary Chinese) textbook series published and used by the Mandarin Training Center at National Taiwan Normal University.

I started this website because I noticed that my classmates were preparing nearly-identical study guides from their class notes. I thought that if we could collaborate to combine notes then we could reduce effort spent on organizing the information and spend more time reviewing the content. Additionally, by sharing we could combine our knowledge and improve our understanding of the material (after all, the textbooks aren't perfect). I also thought it'd be really cool if we could build a multi-lingual resource, so this wiki supports multiple versions of every page in different languages.

This wiki can be edited by anyone with an account, so feel free to contribute (in fact, it's encouraged!).

Book 1 (TBD)

Book 2 (TBD)

Book 3

Book 4

Additional Resources

Pleco Flashcard Deck

Pleco is probably the most popular Chinese dictionary App and is incredibly useful for studying Chinese. Pleco supports flashcards as a paid upgrade. Other students have created community-maintained 當代中文 flashcards which can be imported into Pleco.

Anki Flashcard Deck

Anki is a spaced-repetition flashcard app and website for learning any kind of material. There was previously a publicly-shared "official" flashcard deck (now a dead link) for 當代中文 books 1-5, but it now gone :(

The original official deck appears long-lost now, though I have maintained my own copy of this deck that I've modified as I've studied, available for download here.