Chapter 9

Vocabulary I


To establish/set up something involving legal procedures. For example, to establish a company.


To operate a business, to maintain a relationship, to participate in a class.

Vocabulary II


To host, organize, hold an event

舉辦 vs. 舉行:

  • 舉辦:used to refer to whom is organizing the event
  • 舉性:used to refer to where/when the event takes place


To increase towards some (personal) expectation or ideal, usually with a positive connotation.

提高 vs. 增加:

  • 提高:to increase towards a positive ideal
  • 增加:to increase (quantity), neutral connotation


  1. Flavor (out of a selection), eg. chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, etc.
  2. Describing a person's or a group's preferences (not necessarily regarding food), eg. 「日本人的口味」(Japanese people's preferences).

口味 vs. 味道:

  • 口味:flavors out of a selection, eg. (wheel cakes) chocolate, vanilla, red bean, cheese, peanut butter
  • 味道:describing a food, eg. salty, sweet, sour, etc.


Means "as a result" when the result differs from expectations. Usually has a negative connotation.


In addition, furthermore, moreover...

並且 vs. 而且:

  • 並且:Must be followed by V, Vs, or sentence (no nouns)
  • 而且:Similar meaning to 並且 ("but also"), can be followed by a noun


To market (i.e. advertise or represent a company)

行銷 vs. 推銷:

  • 行銷:to market
  • 推銷:to sell, promote

Grammar Notes

I. 靠 to rely on, by means of

  • 靠 without another verb means "to rely upon"
  • 靠 + verb means "through <verb>"

II. 即…又… not merely..., but well

Same as the 又…又 pattern, but more literary

III. …以內 within ...

Within some range, including the boundary, eg. 「十塊以內」 means "up to and including $10".

IV. 占 to constitute

占 + percentage or rank

V. (在) NP上 regarding NP

Similar use as 「NP(的)方面」 except this grammar shouldn't be used in situations where it may be mistaken to mean literally on top of NP, eg. NP is an object or person in physical space.j

VI. 給…帶來 to bring... to...

給 <recipient> 帶來 <something>

VII. 結果 consequently, in the end

A 結果 B: B is the result of A. Emphasis on B. B is an undesirable, non-ideal, or unexpected result of A. B typically is an undesirable or negative situation.

Chapter 10

Vocabulary I


Separable verb, example: 「醫生給我打止痛針」


Often used with surgeon/doctor as subject (though this verb is ambiguous, the subject can also be the patient). Example:「他開刀的技術很好」 "he is a skilled surgeon".


"As to/regarding..." Often followed by a topic change.

Vocabulary II


Often 「跟著調查…」


Full compensation including retirement, bonus, insurance, etc. in addition to salary.

Often confusing usage with 「多」

  1. 兩倍 (two times) = 2x
  2. 多兩倍 (two times more than) = 3x


To respect/venerate a person's status (eg. leaders, doctors, etc.) or to respect a historical figure.

For respecting an individual person, their opinion, or an idea, etc. use 尊重

Grammar Notes

I. Introducing a New Topic with 至於

Often used to shift topics to answer two different questions asked by a previous speaker.

A: Is X ...? How about Y? B: X is ... 至於Y, ...

II. 看 depends on

Often 「要看」


  • …要看運氣
  • …看天氣好不好

III. 一向 all along, has always...

Refers to habitual actions or inclinations, eg. 「臺灣父母一向在乎孩子的成績」

Compare with 一直: 一直 means incessantly, or without stopping. 一向 can only describe past events while 一直 can express something in the future.

IV. 拿…來說 take an example

V. Passive Sentences with 受

「受」refers to abstract things (eg. respect, appreciation, etc.)

Compare with 被:被 passives usually have a negative connotation, 受 does not have a negative connotation.

VI. 動不動就… to do something impetuously

This is used as a criticism of somebody's rash behavior.

Compare with 「說…就…」:=「說…就…」is not necessarily a criticism

Chapter 11

Vocabulary I


Gains, benefits. Compare with 「利潤」:profit from sales (narrower definition).

To take a woman in marriage/to make them your wife.

Compare with 嫁, to marry a husband.


Usage: 「X 打敗了 Y」 “X defeated Y"

Compare with 打輸 (to lose): 「Y 打輸了」 "Y lost"

Vocabulary II


Often: 「往X遷移」:"to migrate towards X"

Grammar Notes

I. 到底 after all? how on earth?


  1. Clarify unclear situation
  2. Meaning "finally", after expecting something to happen (negative implication that it took too long)

到底 must come before any question words (eg. 誰, 哪裡, etc.)

II. 甚至 even

Or, "to go so far as..."

III. 這麼說 that being the case, in that case

Pattern is 這麼說 + some consequence or interpretation of the previous speaker's statement

IV. 跟B有關的A A is related to B

Example:「跟網購糾紛有關的新聞」 "news related to online shopping disputes"

V. 不得不 have no choice but to

Used when talking about a last resort, no other choice but to...

VI. 以及 as well as

A flexible conjunction that connects nouns or sentences.

Chapter 12

Vocabulary I


抱歉 vs. 道歉 (commonly mixed up, pay attention):

  • 抱歉:to be sorry, eg. 「我很抱歉」 "I am sorry"
  • 道歉:to apologize, apology, eg. 「我會跟她道歉」 "I am going to apologize to her"

To persuade or attempt to change somebody's point of view because you think they are incorrect.

Compare with 說服, meaning to persuade or convince somebody to do something (regardless of correctness).


Enthusiastic or passionate about something, practically to the point of obsession.

Can be used directly with object, or using 對+很:

  • 「他熱衷寶可夢」 "he is crazy about Pokémon"
  • 「他對火車很熱衷」 "he is obsessed with trains"

熱衷 vs. 熱心:

  • 熱衷:Vst, must be followed by an object (eg. trains, dancing, computers, etc.)
  • 熱心:Vs, does not take an object. 熱心 means to be passionate (in general or in a context established by the sentence)


To express one's true feelings or thoughts.

Compare with 表現 meaning "to express" (but the speaker could think differently than they behave).


Same as 表示 except 反映 is used when talking about large groups.


A right (as in human rights). Note: don't mix up with 權力 (same pronunciation, means "power")


To take the initiative; to be active, energetic, positive.

Vocabulary II


Often 「安定下來」:to marry, settle down


Adv. meaning "temporarily". Often used with 一陣子 (a time word meaning "a while", same grammatical usage as eg. 一個月).

「我暫時會住在這裡一陣子」 "I will live here temporarily for a while"


To retire.

Note: Cannot take an object, 退休+obj. is incorrect!


Duty, obligation.

Note: the textbook definition "to volunteer, on a voluntary basis, to do something gratis" is not commonly used with 義務. The textbook definition is better suited to 志願 (zhìyuàn).


To quit, resign.

Usage examples: 「辭掉工作」,「把工作辭掉了」

Compare with 辭職,離開: both 辭職工作 and 離開工作 are more positive sounding than 辭掉工作.


To do one's best in spite of external factors that may arise (eg. leaving early in case there's a traffic jam on the way)

Compare with 儘量, meaning to do one's best (work faster, harder, etc.)

Additional Vocabulary

為 vs 為了

  • 為+人+V
  • 為了+目的+V

Grammar Notes

I. 只不過…(而已)

II. Introducing an Agent with 由

"It's up to (agent)..."

III. 難道…

<with a suspicious feeling> "Could it be the case that...?"

IV. To Reach a Ceiling with 滿

V. Beneficiary marker 為

VI. (在)…方面